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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Capitalism vs. Socialism in the USA

From the ground up America was built on the foundation of freedom, faith in God, family and capitalism. Because of that American has been envied and become the most desirable nation in the world for over two hundred years.

Socialism or Marxism has never built a great country. Socialism has always taken over a functioning country and imposed or forced itself on the existing system. Socialism can never build anything great because all the people who have the desire and abilities to create jobs are seen as evil and selfish. Socialism is a system for the working class but the working class doesn’t have the skills or motivation needed to run big businesses, or innovation to create large enterprises. If a person does venture out then they become the enemy of the working class. China has seen reality of "socialism only" and moved to a socialist-capitalist blend. This allows people to be motivated and innovated to create wealth and thus have it trickle down to the lower class.

Obama’s socialistic vision has never been successful in the real world, only in his imagination. He doesn’t know if it will work or not but he believes it will and is pushing us down that path. Historically everything he tried so far has been tried before and it ended in failure, taxing, spending, big government and bigger debt. If he is allowed to get his way America will eventually fail. What is good for American would be the failure of Obama to implement his fantasy upon us and let real Americans go back to doing the things that made America great.

I have a question. America was born out of a desire to be free of tyranny and taxes and to have a government that would have a minimal impact on people’s lives. They were to be free to have life, liberty and to be able to pursue personal happiness. My question is, if there are people who desire a socialistic system, a big government and high taxes with the intent of redistributing wealth, are they really Americans? A large number of natural born “Americans”, about 10%-20%, believe that a socialist type government is the way to go. They think it is the right thing to do, destroy the America that has stood for over two hundred years and replace it with a Marxist, European style government. They believe that they are just as American as I am but they want to destroy my America to have another version of America that includes less freedoms and bigger government.

Part of our American government experiment was to have sovereign states and a sovereign Federal government with limitations on the Federal side was so each state could equally and freely compete with other states as to how they accomplish business, education and community. If you didn’t like how they did things in one state you were free to move to another. A current example is Texas. Texas established medical tort reform a few years back and now doctors are flocking to the Lone Star state because they like what Texas did for their businesses and states that are favorable to medical lawsuits having doctors leaving in droves.

In the process of this state competition the Federal government could regulate interstate commerce to make sure there was open competition and no one state could pass laws giving it an unfair advantage over another.

The primary thing about the new America when it was created was an individual was totally free to make choices and do as he wished.

I believe if someone really doesn’t like our system of government then they should go somewhere, like Europe, and find a government they do like. It happens here all the time. People who don’t like the system in Europe, Africa and Asia come here by the thousands every year in order to have more freedom of choices and live a better life.

If you want to destroy this American system then you are not a real American, plain and simple. You are not patriotic. If you are actively doing something to bring about the destruction of the American system that has been good for so many people over the years, as many in congress are now doing with an open disregard for our Constitution, then you should be tried as a traitor. That again is plain and simple. The fact that you do not use a gun or a bomb to destroy us makes no difference because the results you desire are the same, the overthrow of the greatest government system on earth.

When you are faced with the truth that you are a traitor and you want to plead ignorance that is fine. Repent or just apologize and leave. If you are faced with the thruth and respond by saying “Are you serious?” then you should have some happy jail time, your citizenship removed and then be allowed to leave. Maybe they will have a place for you in France. They already have the system you so dearly like.

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