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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

America needs Revival

I was watching Glenn Beck last night (May 25th, 2010) and he presented a number of video quotes as he calls it “in their own words”. The phrase “Global Governance” was repeated over and over by the president, many of his cohorts, union leaders and others. The understanding you get is that all these people intend on moving us towards a single world governing body whereby we will no longer chose or elect those who will rule over us and govern us.

The example we currently have is Greece. The country has gone belly up financially. It is now essentially being controlled by the IMF (International Monetary Fund). The IMF, by bailing out Greece, can now tell Greece what and how to run their country because they are now servants of the lender; who is Europe. Greece no longer controls its own destiny.

The main Marxist goal in America is to destroy capitalism and bring us into a greater global governance. The way to do that is to revise American history, destroy faith in God and eliminate the Constitution. Much of the history in our schools has been rewritten by the leftists. They are blatantly ignoring the Constitution and with the media’s help they are smearing Christianity as best they can. A number of churches are joining in with the government to further it's agenda. So what would be the coup de grĂ¢ce for the Marxist? Bankrupt the country so there will be nothing left for us to recover from. America is currently 13 trillion dollars in debt and it is growing faster everyday. We will soon reach a point where our bond rating will be downgraded and the interest rate will go up. The debt will then grow ever faster. When will we reach the point of no return I don't know.

We will be in bondage to the Chinese, the IMF, whoever we owe money to. America will be done. America has fought so many battles and won but this time the battle is from within and without. There are so many fronts to this battle there is only one way to save her, we need a miracle from God.

Currently we are following many of the same trends of the great depression. On our current path we will soon be having 20-25% unemployment. People will have no homes, no food and no place to go for help. My mother told me of times as a child when she lived in a tent city during the depression and had to steal food off a vegetable train car in order to have something to eat. Can it be possible to experience that again?

[For more information on what is happening to us go to:
and ]

If we do have another deep depression, if things do get worse before they get better, if they get better at all, then the churches will have to be ready. People will be looking for answers. People will be looking for help. People will turn to the church and we need to be ready.

The answers are not in government, nor is it in businesses, people or elected officials, although electing the right people will help. Beck correctly points out that the only real hope for America is to turn back to God. I one hundred percent agree. Turn back to God, easily said but how do we do it. How do we push back the tide of rising Marxism? Can we push back the coming Tribulation? If God is a keeper of His word and we obey His word then we can. The Tribulation comes when evil is fully manifested. If true spiritual revival comes to America and evil is pushed back then we can freeze the spiritual clock racing towards the end of time.

It was King Hezekiah (2 Kings:20) who was dying and prayed to God to let him live. God answered his prayer and gave him another 15 years. God also said “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14. If we start doing things God’s way then perhaps we can give our children a chance to experience liberty and freedom for all of their lifetime.

The question is how do we have true spiritual revival? How can America have true spiritual revival? The first step is for the churches of true believers to lay aside all differences and return to the roots of the early  church. We need an early day Pentecost, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that physically affects believers and empowers them to bring others into the revival experience, the experience of knowing Jesus, His salvation, the Holy Spirit and the Father.

The original experiences with the Holy Spirit had physical manifestations, vocal expressions, joy and giddiness (they appeared drunk), they fell to the ground, buildings shook, people had visions and when the immediate physical experience was over they were difference inwardly. They had a power. They were bold with gospel, they had love for one another, they shared their belongings, and they took care of one another. Also shared among them were the supernatural gifts that God gave so his body on earth would be like Jesus as He was when He was upon the earth. A true Pentecost type revival will bring the supernatural God down to earth to work through the hands, mouths and feet of His believers, the Church.

The revival need not to be a one time event either. Several revivals I know of started in the early 1990’s and continue to this day. One has had revival meetings six days a week every week since their initial spiritual outpouring in 1993. A revival can be continuous.

We need a new revival; bigger in scope, wider in scale. The old line churches need to let go of their traditions and embrace a new thing, drink the new wine, become energized by a new fresh move of the Holy Spirit. This is not about saving your traditions, or our culture or our ordinary way of doing things; this is about saving our freedoms, our country and the spiritual and physical lives of our children.

How do we start a new revival? A revival that will spread across the United States, who, what, where, when, how? I don’t know but I will say Lord I’m willing send me. Will you join me?

Send an email to and let me know what you think.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Are you ready for the Tribulation

For years after my Christian conversion the big thing to preach and teach about was the coming seven year Tribulation period of the Bible. There were many books written about the mark of the beast (the number 666), a worldwide database on people’s personal information, a one world government and a one world currency. I even predicted it would happen around 2007 based on my understanding of bible math. I don’t think I was too far off. We are almost there.

The Tribulation period is the period of time just before Jesus returns and Satan and his appointed Beast (world leader) and Prophet run the world with almost supernatural abilities. During this Tribulation period all sorts of plagues, famines and judgments from God will torment the people on earth. The big question is; when will we know that the Tribulation has started? Many believe the Bible teaches that the believers will be raptured or taken away at the beginning of the Tribulation. That will be a good clear signal, no more Christians. The Bible says the Holy Spirit who restrains will be taken out of the way. Sin will run rampant and judgment will follow. The implication is that the Holy Spirit, who dwells in believers, when they leave His influence and the power in them will go with them. Thus the world will have unrestrained power of sin working in them. All unbelievers who have not chosen Jesus will suffer the consequences.

What about the world situation leading up to the Tribulation period. We are on the verge of a worldwide failing economy. Where there was once a Mutually Assured Nuclear Destruction theory that prevented countries from attacking each other there is now a Mutual Assured Economic Destruction at work in the world today and we are on the edge of falling in the abyss from which there is no recovery. As we watch Greece’s economy fail, all of Europe is in turmoil, because if the nations of Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland continue to spiral out of control in their debt they will take Europe down with them.

America is quickly heading in the same direction. Whether it is intentional or not our leaders in the white house and in congress are taking us into a sea of debt and we may be close to the point of no return. If America fails economically the rest of the world is in jeopardy, freedom is in jeopardy and Christians are in jeopardy. What the Marxists in the world want is a one world government. This is how they think they will get it by destroying all remnants of capitalism and the capitalist economic system. This friends will be the end of the world as we know it. Between the Muslims and the Marxist the world will be thrown back into a modern dark ages. They each want to perfect the world in their own way. One will cleanse the world of all infidels the other will cleanse the world of non-Marxist. Both are evil and both want to rule the world.

In this period of time before Jesus returns and the rulers of darkness take over what will it be like? Will the whole world be like Greece with rioting, banks failing, currency failing. Will people be without houses and food? Will only the churches that have paid up debt be able to remain open? Are we ready for the pre-Tribulation period? Are you ready for the pre-Tribulation period?

First thoughts are usually like “do I have enough money saved up” but what good is money if the currency fails, which it will. Our first thoughts are usually about the physical things but it had better quickly turn towards the spiritual. To be ready for any tribulation period, past, present or future requires that our faith and trust in God be our top priority in life. Our knowledge of the Father and Jesus, who we are in Christ and our spiritual strength, will be the most important things we will have. Our ability to depend on and listen to the Holy Spirit guiding us who will help us through each day, one day at a time will be crucial.

The coming crisis will not be about how well you prepared economically but about how well you are prepared spiritually. Are you ready? Is your church ready? Are you even getting ready? Does your church have a plan as to how you will be able to help one another? A God inspired plan of support and encouragement? Do you have a God inspired plan that will have you ready to go with Jesus if he comes soon and ready if he comes later?

There is a song from the 1980’s with the title “Time to get ready”. Well guess what? The time is now. And soon the time may be “too late”.


A Nuclear Free World

The president has a vision of a nuclear free world. It goes along with the utopian vision of a world without guns. Taking away nuclear weapons from countries that support freedom and peace is the same as taking away guns from honest, law abiding citizens. Only criminals will have the guns and in a nuclear free (idealistic) world only bad guys will end up with the nuclear weapons. Imagine what the world would be like if we took away guns from all the police and armies of peace loving nations. Would we all be sitting around singing songs and living happily ever after? Probably not. Criminals would run amok. There would be all kinds of dictators, war lords, cartels, gangs, etc. trying to get power and rule over people because they would have illegal guns and weapons while the good folks won’t. The little men running Iran would be chomping at the bit if we destroyed all our nuclear weapons. The world would be at the mercy of men like that.

The other problem with nuclear weapons is that to perfectly eliminate them you would have to eliminate the knowledge of how to build them. Does that sound like a realistic solution? How do you purge knowledge? I know of some who tried. Stalin, Mao and Hitler.

The best deterrent for peace is that the good guys have the biggest sticks, the most sticks and know how to use it.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Civilization Game

Did you ever play the computer game “Civilization”? I never did actually but my son did play it quite a bit before he was old enough to know about driving, girls and all that silly stuff. Civilization was a realistic game about building a civilization, surviving the attacks and problems and finding out what happens when you decide to change your little world from one type of government to another. Usually the transition from one from to another involves anarchy: a state of society without government or law; political and social disorder. In the game, out of the disorder you would build a new form of government.

The Cloward-Piven strategy (google it), two political activists/sociologists in the 60’s, created a plan to bring down our current government by overloading it with government dependency, welfare and debt. This would destroy the current government, as in lets have some anarchy, and their plan was that out of the anarchy they would create a new wonderful totalitarian government and we would all reside in a blissful, utopian and godless world. In the past this kind of transition (Russia, China, Viet Nam, etc,) has cost a few lives, like 100 million or so.

It is strange to see that this kind of plan is playing out already in Greece where a socialist democratic styled government is actually failing because of its dependency, welfares and debt. We see the riots (anarchy?) in the streets because the poor people (spoiled, dependent people and union workers) don’t want to lose all their benefits and be required to work and earn the same as the rest of the people.

But Greece is a future picture of where America is going. The liberals, progressives, Marxist minded democrats and now Obama have been fulfilling the Cloward-Piven strategy gradually over the last forty years and they are now bringing it to a head. The idea to fundamentally change American into a socialist state and like Greece we are moving full speed ahead. They want everyone to be dependent on or controlled by governement. Their plan is to take us as far and as fast as they can so we, the people, cannot bring it back. Of course they are just the pawns in this game. Once we fail like Greece is failing then anarchy will happen and the real players in this game will take over. Whether it is a George Soros, or some other power broker, someone will step up and have all the answers to bring peace and tranquility to the world. We will hear the “Ta-dum, Here I come to save the Day” song.

The bible knows all about this person. It calls this person the antichrist. Soros is behind a lot of this fundamental change in America. He is pushing to change the whole world to a Marxist utopia using his billions that he earned in our free market system. He is funding millions of dollars to many different socialist, communist groups in America in his attempt to bring us down. He is sort of the ‘I got mine, I want all the rest so I can sit on it’ idea. He is the typical world domination type we read about in spy stories. Where is James Bond when you really need him? You know, good guy versus the world domination, rich billionaire, etc kind of thing. We’ve watched it in the movies, now we get to experience it.

If America fails then the whole world will also fail because all our economies are tied together. The stage will be set for the bible prophecies to be complete. A one world ruler, a one world government versus a one world religion, Muslim, and the battle of Armageddon will then center on Israel. Israel will not give in to either one. It will be the western world government versus the eastern world religion in a battle that will be the end of us all.

Do we sit by and do nothing and say “if it be God’s will?” or can we actually change the big plan by our prayers and our actions. America is not gone yet. There is still hope. I imagine that the future looked just as bleak in the 1760’s as it does today. The founders of this country fought against all odds and won because God was on their side. God is still on our side. His word says so (Romans chapter 8). But we must first unite in prayer and then in actions that line up with God’s word and our prayers. We can change America to be better that it was before. We can change it back to a real Christian Nation without having anarchy. This is not a computer game and I don’t want to lose.


Friday, May 7, 2010

Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead

Just think about it. We hired a man to run this country whose only real experience is being a change agent. The job of a community organizer is to change the community. Enlist and activate people to make changes by political means. Is it no surprise that all he is doing is changing things in the only manner he knows how? He does not know how to be an administrator. He does not know how to manage and definitely does not know how to deal with a crisis. He primary method, as we have all seen, is to make speeches to incite people to action by blaming or demonizing someone or some group. This was his tried and true method as an organizer and that is what he thinks he is good at. We see this every time he speaks. His world is so small that he is incapable of thinking outside of that box. The utopian goal is the most important thing to him. Not national defense, not jobs or the economy, not disasters, life and property. To him the only obstacle is the Constitution. Go for the goal, change and more change, as fast as you can change. Change, that is all he knows.

One writer asked the question, what are we changing to? What will America look like when they are finish changing? Who knows? I'm not sure they even know. They are Progressives. As long as they are progressing somewhere they don’t care what the end results are. Just keep progressing and make more changes, “damn those torpedoes, full speed ahead”.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Getting a Picture of the Debt

I was playing with some numbers trying to get a handle on the national debt. A 13 trillion dollar debt would cost each family about $130,000 before interest. If we were to accumulate no more debt and pay off the 13 trillion dollars (that is $13,000,000,000,000 written out) over a 30 year period just like our home mortgage that would cost each family about $1000 a month. The interest would be nearly 26 trillion dollars. That is money that most likely will not be put back into the economy; it will go to foreign nations, mostly China.

Another way to put it; the loss of jobs each year just to pay off the debt would be about 8 million, a way of saying 8% permanent unemployment. Which also means the 8 million out of work will not be paying their fair share so the burden will be continually shifting up the ladder to the working families. With the government wanting to take an even greater share away from working families by increasing taxes, that will mean more and more money will be taken out of the economy and greater unemployment. Can you see why socialist nations like Greece and France have a permanent 20% unemployment rate? And we think 10% is really bad.

The answer for this mess is simple, so simple a cave man could understand it. Quit spending, cut cost, make government smaller and increase our economic base by cutting taxes to release money into the productive economy. We need a pro-growth economic policy not a share the wealth policy to pay off the debt as soon as possible.

The doom and gloom is if we don’t do these things to eliminate the debt then America will cease to exist. This is what we MUST do if we want America to continue.
