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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Why liberals and the far left are the way they are

I wrote about this many years ago, so I have lost the references. As I was preparing for work one day in 2003, I was watching TV and a story came on that showed the possibility of why liberals and far left democrats are the way they are.

It was about young children that came from an orphanage in eastern Europe after the fall of communist Russia. The situation in the orphanage was that for every fifty or so children there was only one caregiver. Very few of the children were able to receive consistent love or care over years at a time. After many of the children were adopted to American parents, most younger children were able to respond to the loving care and adapted to becoming mostly normal children.  

But there were exceptions. Younger children had very little problem adapting. The older the child was, the less they were able to adapt. One girl in particular, age 12, had no response to the love and care she received from her new parents. The doctors performed PET scans of the child and the images revealed something I believe is what affects many of the far left adults today.

The PET scans of a normal child showed normal brain activity in most areas of the brain. Older children from the orphanage, who had received no love or care for all of their formative years, showed ‘no brain activity’ in areas where emotions and feelings normally exist. The conclusion of the story was: that if a child did not receive stimulation to certain areas of the brain in their younger years, that area would not develop as a normal person would. In this case, there was no development at all. The child was unable to reciprocate feelings of love and care. 

What do I conclude from this? For years I was told of studies that showed the older a person was, the harder it was to evangelize or win that person to Christ. Thus the importance has been put upon evangelizing children as early as possible. The faith areas of the brain need stimulation at a very young age. 

What would be other areas of the brain that don’t develop because of lack of stimulation? Common sense would be one. Two: People with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement but lacking in a sense of compassion and understanding of others. This would explain why people who overly obsess over certain issues beyond common sense and reasonable understanding.  Thus we have far left groups, anarchist, communist, et al. and extreme far right groups that are just as bad.

This is also exemplified in hate groups. People, who from a young age, were taught or stimulated to hate another group. Hatred of blacks, whites, Jews, Christians, et al, hatred for no other reason than who the person was. You can ask them why they hate and they cannot tell you why. Because their brains have been developed or stimulated a certain way, it is nearly impossible to reason or use common sense on such a person. 

Thus as Christians, it is more important to spend time influencing our children’s areas of faith. And for others, pray God will stimulate the areas of the brain with the gift of faith so they can be converted and saved.

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