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Thursday, September 1, 2016

My book "The Power of Perfect", the perfect work of a perfect God in man, is now available on Barnes and Noble and Amazon. (Search for "Power of Perfect Cobb" on the websites)

Did you know that to be one with God and enter into God's realm of heaven, you have to be perfect. God requires you to be perfect in everything you say, do, or think from the day you are born till the day you die. In addition to that, you must also think holy and have righteous actions that are on equal footing with God all of your lifetimes. That really blows all those religions trying to do a bunch of good stuff to make up for all the bad stuff they have done in their lifetime. But this is why the Bible says "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". No one is capable of attaining that level of perfection. If you are going to qualify to meet God's standard then God is going to have to do something to raise you up to his level of holiness and righteousness. He is going to have to account for your failures and sins with some kind of cleansing action and give you the ability to be righteous and holy.

The book "Power of Perfect" describes all the things God did to make that happen. He did a perfect work in you so you can be perfect in His sight and make one with Him, a child of God. What is that perfect work? How does it change you and what can you now do because of it. Within you is the Power of the Perfect work of God. Once you realize what it is and what you can do, the question becomes, what will you do with it? His plan is for you to serve Him and do great and mighty things to change the world. It could be that the great and mighty thing might seem insignificant to you but not to Him. Everything itsy bitsy action we do for Him in faith is great and mighty to Him.

So why am I saying all this? His people, Christian people are not doing the things He asked them to do. They are not doing the big things, little things, or even the itsy bitsy things that really matter to Him. Today's world is in a great big mess. It got that way not because the bad and powerful people of this world pushed their way in and ran over the Christians and imposed a sinful and immoral world upon us. No, it got that way because Christians, who had the power of the perfect work of God contained within them, did not do what God, through Jesus, asked them to do: Go in His authority, make disciples, and teach them the things that He taught His disciples to do. That one sentence sums it all up. If we had done that, the world would not be in a big mess. That one sentence would eliminate all the immorality, perversion, crime, and evil that is going on in our world.

Instead of standing in His perfect power and changing the world, Christians have basically laid back and just tried to enjoy the ride. Waiting for that day when they would leave this horrible place and sit in the heavenly fields with Jesus, listening to Him telling them how wonderful they are. Not.

Is there still time to save the world? Yes. How? Repent, humble yourself and pray, and do what He asked you to do: Go in His authority, make disciples, and teach them the things that He taught His disciples.

What did He teach His disciples? Read Mark chapters 9 and 10. That's a good place to start. I'll save that for next time.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Free tuition - Really?

I was watching some the “young” people for Bernie Sanders speak about how great socialism is and all the great and wonderful things it will do for America. Duh? These people really don’t get it. I learned years ago that the human brain does not fully develop until about age twenty-five. It appears to me that these kids are definitely still in the under-developed category. My son told me that when he was eight years old he listened to his first presidential debates. Again when he was twelve he listened to the debates and he said that at that age the ideas of the democrats sounded really good. Now that he is grown he sees the fallacy of those ideas. People who buy into socialist ideas are either totally ignorant or their brain development is stuck somewhere around the twelve year old stage. They cannot comprehend the dangers and evils that socialism brings.

One of the ideas that Bernie is selling is “free tuition”. If you ask one of them who is going to pay for it they will usually answer “the rich”. Somewhere (any guesses?) they have been taught that rich people are bad and not deserving of what they have. To be fair the government should take away all the “rich” people gains and give to someone more deserving (like them).  To be really fair let’s look at how the rich person gets rich.

First, a person does not get rich sitting around watching TV all day or thinking about is who is going to be the next American Idol. People do not get rich by going to class till they are twenty-plus, getting a job and do the same routine over and over for forty years, never taking a risk, having a creative idea or stepping out of the norm to be different from the rest of the world. No people get rich by creating a product or service that people want (i.e. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Jeff Bezos [Amazon]) and in doing so to provide those goods and services they had to hire people, create jobs, expand and create more jobs. People get rich by creating jobs and opportunities for everybody. How many people are making money on the internet? A lot of people now make their money from the internet. None of that could have happened if there were no personnel computer, Windows or Apple operating system. If there were no internet switches (like Cisco) and fiber optic cable to tie us all together. All these came to being because someone didn’t just go to school and get a job and work the rest of his life. No, someone had an idea and took a risk. Many started out taking a big risk by signing onto a big loan to get started. Then they endured the stress of repaying the loan, paying bills, employing people and making payroll. Starting out they worked long hours and basically invested their whole lives into making their business a success. This is how most rich people get rich, hard work, long hours, risk taking and high stress.

Then along comes a kid who has probably never worked a real job or even had a job, and he wants to take from the hard working rich person to pay for his schooling. He wants the Bern(ie) to take from somebody else and just give it to him for free. But then here is the real problem the young knucklehead doesn’t see. The rich guy got rich by hard work figuring on a fair return for his risk, time and investment. If Bernie get his way, 90% of the rich guy’s income (through taxation) will go to someone else instead of his own family. After a while the rich guy will decide it is not worth the effort and quit doing the things that once made him rich. Now there is no more money to tax. What’s more other potential future entrepreneurs will see the lack of reward and won’t even try because the risk will not be worth it. Now, no longer are there any rich folks but now there is no one to replace them. As the old adage goes; sooner or later socialist run out of other people money. Then there is no more free stuff.

Speaking of free stuff, another problem with Bernie’s plan is he is going to raise taxes on the poor. Well not directly. He says he is going to tax the rich but if they are small to medium size business people then they will pass those taxes on to their customers. The price of everything will go up. Taxes are always passed down to the lowest level. If I have a small business and my taxes increase that’s an expense that doesn’t add any value to my goods and services. I have two choices, raise my prices (which may mean fewer customers) or lay people off and try to do the same job with less people. That is what’s happening when governments raise the minimum wage. The minimum wage is really a tax on employment. If I’m operating on a 5% or 6% profit margin then to maintain that margin when there is a minimum wage hike; I can lay people off, increase prices or find a machine that will do the same job for less or just go out of business. None of this is going to make Bernie’s utopia work.

You could write all day on the failures of socialism. Name one country that socialism made prosperous. You can’t, there isn’t one? People use Sweden as an example but what has Sweden produced? People there are happy to live out a simple complacent life paying more than 50% of their income to the government. But name any new product innovation that comes from Sweden, very few if any. They are content to live in a 19th and 20th century world.

In the end socialism bring nothing but death, suffering and bondage. First we start with politically correct speech and government think speak. The punishment is public humiliation. Then we go to group speak and intense sensitivity training is required. Then group speak will be demanded and legalized and the punishment will be reeducation camps. A Vietnamese friend of mine said his father spent five years in a reeducation camp. Really it was just a prison camp where you are punished for “wrong” thinking. If you think we could never get that bad think again. There are too many of us who will not buy into their socialist scheme. After they take our guns away they will have the same problem that Stalin and Mao did, and they will eventually come to the same solution. Over 100 million people died under Stalin and Mao.

If you know one of these “Feel the Bern” kids, take them aside and let them know the truth. If we can’t convince them then America could be lost forever.