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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Restored Authority

Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-two (NIV)

Luke 10: 1After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. 2He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. 3Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. 4Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.

5“When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ 6If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you. 7Stay in that house, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move around from house to house.

8“When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is set before you. 9Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God is near you.’ 10But when you enter a town and are not welcomed, go into its streets and say, 11‘Even the dust of your town that sticks to our feet we wipe off against you. Yet be sure of this: The kingdom of God is near.’ 12I tell you, it will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for that town.

13“Woe to you, Korazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. 14But it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment than for you. 15And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted up to the skies? No, you will go down to the depths.b
16“He who listens to you listens to me; he who rejects you rejects me; but he who rejects me rejects him who sent me.”

17The seventy-two returned with joy and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.”

18He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. 20However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”

21At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.

22“All things have been committed to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”

The Great Commission

Matthew 28:16Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

I’ve been reading a book on prayer that explains the difference between power and authority. Power is ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something. For God to have all power means he has all the ability or capability to do whatever he wants. Authority is the right to use power. God has all authority but he can also delegate his authority to whomever he wants.

Here is a little illustration for you:

A man, John, owns an electrical construction company. He is the boss. He controls all the money. He therefore has all the power within the company.
He hires a young man Gary to be an electrician. He sends him out on different jobs. Every day Gary has to call in to order materials. John buys the materials and Gary comes by to pick them up.

After a period of time John decides that Gary is trustworthy and gives him a company spending card [some authority] so he can buy the materials he needs without making the extra trip to the shop to pick them up.

After another period of time John decides to make Gary a superintendent. Now he can buy materials, hire and fire and make budget decisions. His authority has increased
Next John makes Gary a project manager. Now he controls the money for several projects, decides on scheduling, and oversees a larger number of people. His authority and responsibilities have increased even more.

Finally John wants to retire so he makes Gary president of the company. Now Gary is in control of all the power that John has. John has given Gary the authority to be him. The power still belongs to John but Gary is in charge of it. When Gary goes out on a project site all the employees treat him just as if he were John.
John has the power. Gary has the authority to use that power. As far as the employees and clients are concerned when they see Gary, they are seeing John. Got that?

Back to my narrative:

God (father, Son and Holy Spirit) has all power and shares the authority to use that power as he chooses. In the beginning he gave Adam authority to rule over every living creature on the earth. Satan, who had been cast down to earth, had no power or authority. His plan was to trick Adam into submitting to him so he could take the authority God gave Adam. The plan worked. Adam followed Satan’s wishes and became a servant to Satan. Satan now had the authority and thus became the “god of this world” as Jesus described him. Jesus recognized that Satan had the authority and ruled over this world for evil. But that would soon change.

God’s plan for redemption was to buy us back [that is what redeem means, to buy back] from the power of Satan and that included getting the authority away from him and restoring it to us.

In Luke 10 above Jesus gave the seventy authorityto trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy”. Notice that these men were not the twelve disciples [the Lord appointed seventy-two others]. These were mostly ordinary followers of Jesus, common men who were given the awesome responsibility of using the power of God to draw the people’s attention and then preach the message of the coming Kingdom of God. In verse 3 Jesus says “Go, I am sending you….” And a parallel command in Matthew 28:18 ““All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go…” The implication here is that the authority to use all of the power of God has been given to each of us. All Christians have the authority to represent God and in his name they are to go and change the world for Christ. Are we doing that? Are we living and functioning in the authority we were given? Are we using all the power available to us to change the world? When people see us are they seeing Jesus?

The obvious answer for most of us is no, especially in America where many Christian have been trained to be powerless, weak, materialistic Christians. How did we get that way?

The first problem is the lack of knowledge and understanding. The principles of authority are just not taught anywhere and therefore nothing is passed on to new pastors and teachers in our schools and churches.
Second: Unbelief, it is hard to believe that God has given us that much authority to use His power. It just can’t be so. That is unbelief in the Word of God, unbelief in the words of Jesus, plain and simple.

Third: there is a lack of faith. Lack of faith is different from unbelief. I can believe something but I may lack the faith to carry it out. I can believe God wants me to write this message but my lack of faith could prevent from sitting down and writing it out. I can believe God wants my healing but my lack of faith stops me from praying for it. My lack of faith often finds me begging God for something instead of declaring it in power and authority.
Fourth: there is fear. Fear of failure that what we speak won’t happen. That God won’t follow through on His word. This is an internal fear we carry around.

Then there is fear of what other people will think. What will my congregation think? What will my denomination think? If I act out of the ordinary people might reject me. My church might reject me. Fear makes frigid powerless Christians.
Did Jesus operate out of fear? No he acted out of faith that the Father would do what He said He would do.

Then there is a fear of responsibility. I taught on the Authority of the Believer years ago but I never fathomed the depth of what it really means. I just recently thought about this, to realize that every word you speak could have everlasting effect. To think that if you got angry at someone and said “damn you” you might watch them disappear into eternity right on the spot. That every curse word you spoke could actually curse someone or something forever. Your words do have power because you have authority. Scary isn't it? That is why Paul talked so much about what we were to think about and the words we spoke.

Going back to my illustration of John and Gary. When Gary was an electrician he probably joined in with the guys doing the normal horseplay along with murmuring and complaining about management.

When he became a superintendent he had to separate himself a little and act more responsible because of his duties.

When he became a manager he then understood many of the management problems and had a different perspective about work.

When he became president of the company he had to live differently. He had to have the respect of his men, his community and other businesses. The more authority he had the more responsibly he had to live before others.

To use the authority of others requires responsibility. To operate responsibly in God’s authority your life has to change. It may change in steps but if you truly understand the task that is before you, that knowledge itself will begin to change you. The burden and the joy of having the authority and power of the almighty God behind you will change who you are and how you see the world. My prayer is to fully understand it myself so I will operate in full faith and honor of what God has given me. I pray that God will open the eyes of others to see and comprehend and obey. Jesus says “GO” in all of his authority. We are to be Jesus to the world, a complete Jesus, not just part of him.

We are to use the authority God gave us to set the captives free, heal the sick, cast out demons and take authority over the prince and powers of the air that rule over cities, towns, states and countries. A Marxist controlling spirit is trying to overthrow the United States. It is not a man, a single person or group of people. It is a powerful demonic spirit, a principality and all of his demon hordes. Paul said “we wrestle not against flesh and blood”. This is a time and place for Christians to use their spiritual authority and tear down this spirit and destroy his power. We need to take down spirits that rule over families and churches. We need to be vigilant and make sure they do not return ever again. Then begin again to finish the commission Jesus gave us, “make disciples” who understand who they are in Christ and what their authority on earth is.

[End of part I]


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

More Economic Understanding

If I ever need any historical justification for my economic beliefs here it is. In this Wall Street Journal article it shows the history of my common sense economics as it applied to Germany after WWII.

The article shows how that after WWII Germany became prosperous and the economy grew by removing regulations, lowering taxes and using other free market principles. Current day, when push came to shove they realized they needed to cut spending, cut taxes and start the economy growing again. Today their economy is growing at a rate of 9%. The American economy is growing at a rate of 1.6%. They are doing things the right way and we are doing the opposite and it should not be that way.

With ever increasing debt we need to be doing the same as Germany. I've shown in the past that for every dollar put into a productive persons hands and he spent that the dollar it multiplies (3.4 time's). If America will cut spending, eliminate Orwellian regulations and decrease taxes then our economy can also grow. With over 13 trillion dollars in national debt the only way to eliminate it is for the economy to grow and grow strong. A strong expanding economy will increase tax revenues to offset any cuts in taxes. More people will be working and therefore more incomes will be subject to paying taxes and more people will receive pay increases which will increase tax revenues. Fewer people will be in need because every capable working person will be needed. The economic buzzword for today should be grow, grow, grow.

The current failed philosophy being used in the administration is doing the opposite, spending and spending while increasing taxes and regulations (which cost us all money). This makes matters worst for all of us. For them what they do is shrink, shrink, shrink. The poor man does not benefit when the wealthy man has no more money.

A well know liberal said on the radio yesterday that the wealthy man can afford it. He (the liberal and a politician) said he didn't mind paying a little extra tax so no one else should either. But he is not a businessman. He doesn't had a staff. He doesn't have to meet a payroll every week. He doesn't stay up at night trying to figure out how to pay benefits in a shrinking economy. The liberals want to increase taxes on everyone who makes more than $250,000. But what if that was the money a small businessman needs to expand his business. What if he owes money because he was required to increase his inventory. What if that was the money he needs to buy a piece of equipment that is necessary just to stay in business. The government wants to take his money and then wonders why unemployment is so high.

All of this really comes back to who we were when this nation was founded, a Christian nation where individual people were aware of their responsibility to God, their nation and their fellowman. We are all responsible for ourselves, to provide for and take care of our families. A responsible people willing to share what we had with others and when we are down we we are responsible enough to get up again and do what was right. We worked because it was right. We share because it is right. We recognized our God because it is right. We wanted a small government because we wanted the freedom to do the right thing because we chose to.

We as an American people need to do the right things and do them right now. DO the responsible thing and recognize that we answer to God for all we have in this great nation and we are to be responsible to make good and right decisions to keep our nation strong, morally, economically, militarily, in every area of our lives. A commitment (especially by politicians) to do so will go a long way to restoring America to being great again but it is the individuals that hold the politicians accountable. If we don't we will have rulers instead of representatives for a government.

We will soon have to make a choice on who will represent us in government. It will do good to make the right choice. More importantly is the choice of what kind of country you want. If you want a free nation then you need to recognize God first in your personal life, then publicly in the way you live. God will restore a nation who puts Him first.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Revival Part IV

What is it about true revival that draws men and women to a church or event? Many people will hold meetings, have great music and popular speakers and they call it revival, but is that how you have true revival? Is it the musical gifts or the great speaking that draws people to God? No, to find the answer we need to look at the first revival meeting, the Day of Pentecost.

Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high. He also said “not many days hence you will be baptized in the Holy Ghost” and later “you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me……” The very first revival was all about the Holy Spirit. These are the things we know that were going to happen: They were to receive Power and they would become Witnesses.

When the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, actually there were about 120 people in the room not just the disciples, there were visible sign in the room (tongues of fire) and outside as they stumbled into the street people heard them speaking in tongues and accused them of being drunk. A lot of attention has been paid to the speaking tongues portion of the outpouring but little notice has been given to the latter, being drunk. The disciple appeared drunk to those bystanders who had no clue as to what was happening. Why did they appear drunk and what is the meaning of it.

I have been to a number of churches where revival was taking place. There was a Pentecost type outpouring of the Holy Spirit taking place in every one of them. In each church the emphasis was not on the gifts of the Holy Spirit but the person of the Holy Spirit. People were experiencing God in the person of the Holy Spirit. This was common in the Welsh Revival (see my blogs “Revival part II &III”) and all others that I am aware of. What was also common to every meeting I have been in is seeing people appearing high or drunk on the Holy Spirit just like the outpouring in Acts chapter 2. What did the disciples experience to appear drunk? What caused people in all these other churches I’ve visited to appear drunk also? It was the overwhelming Joy of the Holy Spirit pouring in and flowing out of each person who received at these Pentecost type meetings. There is a supernatural Joy and peace that can fill each believer. A joy that is better than wine, better than any drug. A joy that will excite people to go out into the streets, the cities and the entire world to tell them about the love of God and the sacrifice of His son Jesus.

Romans 14:17,
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,

My first visit to a charismatic church was in 1976 after I had been a Christian for about six months. I was curious to see what was going on and took a friend with me. When the alter call was given to come forward to receive the Holy Spirit I stayed in my place, waiting to see what would happen. My prayer was “lord if this real I want it” but I did nothing. I took no action. I didn’t want to do anything embarrassing. My friend came back to his seat speaking in tongues. I was, well, normal I thought. We drove a short ways and stopped to grab a bite to eat. When I got out I realized I wasn’t normal. I was high. I felt energized, I had a buzz and my spirit was excited. I didn’t realize it but I did receive something that night and I was changed forever. My spiritual life had energy. It had fire. I had received an outpouring of the Holy Spirit of Joy, right where I was standing.

Does the Joy continue? About twenty years later a group of us went on a ministry trip to Toronto to help with the revival services there. About fifteen of us went to a pie and doughnut shop after one of the services. It was an exciting service where we prayed for several thousand people that night. We were filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit. On the way to the shop we were happy, laughing, excited and energized. In the pie shop we could not control ourselves. We were loud, boisterous, everything was funny, every story was exciting, and we were wired. It was hard to control ourselves. We were filled with so much Joy of the Holy Spirit that the pie shop manager asked us to leave because she thought we were all drunk or stoned. Even being asked to leave was so funny we were cracking up at the thought of it.

I have seen people who were so intoxicated on the Joy of the Holy Spirit they were unable to drive. There were even times when I was almost to dizzy to walk. The Joy of the Holy Spirit is intoxicating. It is life changing. When I think about it I do not have all the right words to describe the experience. I have heard it called being drunk in the Spirit but that is not a good description. Experiencing the Joy of the Holy Spirit is more like transcending human knowledge and elevated by the Spirit to a spiritual place that cannot normally be attained and where our bodies cannot comprehend or function in.

Joy, this is the power that brings revival, people experiencing Godly Supernatural Joy. This is the Joy that 3000 people saw on the Day of Pentecost and it converted their hearts to accept Christ. The joy power that continued and people were added to the church daily, with people having all things in common and sharing all their goods. Continuous revival is living in the Joy of the Holy Spirit. It is the power of that joy that will makes people excited to share the gospel with neighbors, friends and people on the street. It is the supernatural joy that makes people want to serve, be disciple and to disciple others. Pentecost isn’t all about getting spiritual gifts and feeling special because of it. Pentecost is all about experiencing the person of the Holy Spirit and receiving the joy that transcends the human life. A joy that is greater than you are, a joy that keeps you in touch with God.

Do you want to keep God in the little box you have built for Him? Don’t get too excited, don’t show too much energy and don’t get embarrassed by getting out and actually doing something for God. Just keep a low profile and don’t stir up the water. Remember, you’re not here to change the world, just get to heaven.

Or do you want revival? Do you want revival in you, your church, your city, state and country? Do you want all that God has and be all that you can be? Are you willing to let go and let God do whatever He wants, even if you might appear silly or drunk or whatever God put in his Spirit to do through you? Are you willing to let God out of that box and let Him take control? Are you willing to be filled with so much joy and energy that you can’t help yourself, you are compelled to go out and be a witness and tell of the glory and joy of the Lord. There is an old saying “let go and let God”. Let go of your life and let God fill you with His. Two or three people like that and there will be a revival.
