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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Running with the Herd Part IV

VH-1 on Virginity: Cynicism and Censorship, By L. Brent Bozell III, Friday, January 22, 2010

(An Excerpt:) VH1 planned a news special called “The New Virginity,” an abstinence backer might have felt optimistic that teenagers and young adults were going to get a refreshing jolt of publicity about the option of premarital celibacy. That is, unless you looked at the network’s promotional fine print.
Words have meanings. So when VH1 promised to explore the “roots of our current obsession with chastity” as it’s advocated by popular teenage celebrities, you knew the fix was in. They suggest these stars just cannot be sincere. Instead, playing to “virgin mania” is just a marketing scheme: “Virginity doesn’t stop celebs from looking and acting provocatively – playing both sides with impressive marketing results.”...................................................
VH1’s designated experts on virginity included Jessica Valenti, the feminist author of a book called “The Purity Myth,” which neatly matched the channel’s assumption that purity can’t possibly be reality. Biology is destiny. Lust always wins. “There’s now an iPhone application that’s a purity ring that you can have on your phone to show that you’re a virgin. I guess it’s actually kind of useful because once you lose your virginity—like most kids who take virginity pledges do—you can just trash it.”
Why wouldn’t VH1 match the cynicism of Valenti with an author who has sincerely championed chastity? Take Dawn Eden, the author of “The Thrill of the Chaste.” She would make a wonderful spokeswoman for – and defender of – chastity.
Here the surprise: they did interview Eden last fall in New York. Here’s the end of the surprise: they left her on the cutting room floor. She was informed with the usual cliches from producers that “the big guys above us” took the show “in a different direction,” as they say. Translation: You were too good.
“I’m not surprised. This also happened the last time I did an interview for this type of program,” she told my colleague Tim Graham. “It was clear that they were looking for a caricature of an ultra-right-wing Evangelical, not a three-dimensional woman who had discovered a happier lifestyle choice.”

To repeat my premise, Marxist, Progressives, socialist and Communist require the teaching of evolution because it is foundational to their belief system. First, if we evolved then we are all just a higher form of animal. Second, some evolved greater than other thus they (the elite) should be the master of the herd, the ruling class. All of their Marxist beliefs hangs on this foundation. This is the godless worldview that they try to impose (by force if necessary or by deception and outright lies) upon the rest of us. In a practical sense we can say that Marxism and Progressivism is a religion and evolution is a basic tenet of that religion.

What do I see in the excerpt above by Brent Bozell? I see that the concept that we are just animals affects everything we see on TV, movies and radio. The statement "Biology is everything. Lust always wins" is a reflection of 'we are animals' belief. whereas if we believed we are created in the image of God, that we are valuable to God and therefore we should treat our bodies not as animals but as special creations deserving purity and wholeness.

I wanted to point this out to show that by forcing the schools to allow only evolution in our schools, our children are being taught that we are animals, the sexual feeling you have are normal (in animals) therefore it is a natural thing to do, have sex.

Everything, TV, movies, the news we watch at night is mostly predicated on the "fact" that we evolved and we are animals. Watch your commentaries like 60 minutes, 20/20, dateline, etc. and you see how evolution influences their stories. Any viewpoint contrary to that is marginalized. Like all Christians are ultra right wing zealots without any intelligence. Conservatives are stupid (Actually I believe it is the other was around). People who show up to protest taxes and national debt are teabaggers. You get the picture.

If you thought it was just a cultural debate about evolutionary theory, it was not. It was a battle ground to build the foundation for a one world government, a humanist, animalistic world. We lost that battle and we are continuing to lose. We must begin to fight back like never before.

The enemy in this battle likes to do things with a simple method. Attack with a big wave like Outcome Based Education or the government takeover of healthcare (1994 and 2009). We fight back and they look defeated. Then the incremental creeping begins. They win in little bits and pieces over here then a little piece over there, but we have quit fighting. We won a battle and now we sit down to rest. We fight the big wave and then quit while they are winning the war. We must continue to fight unto the end.

Like my favorite football team, Alabama. All year they were taught to play to the end. Play all 60 minutes and never let up. Never assume it is over until the game clock is at zero. Then in the national championship, the game of all the games they should not have let down. Instead they believe they had it won halfway through the game. They relaxed and Texas started coming back even with an inexperienced quarterback. Except for a few great defensive plays Alabama might have lost the game because they quit too soon.

The great lesson in this is never, never, quit. Be vigilant and never assume the Marxist, Progressives, Socialist or Communist have quit. They never quit. Like the devil never quits, he just attacks in a different ways, the enemy will never quit. To keep our great country we need to be vocal, loud, vigilant and determined everyday.

Every issue in the public place is like a play in football. Either the godless worldview wins at the line of scrimmage or the Godly worldview wins. There is no middle ground in football. There is no middle ground in this. You're a player in this game and you're 100% for one team or the other. If you think you are not playing then you lose and the godless viewpoint wins. The game will be played out. There will be a winner and a loser. No place for anyone in the middle.

Jesus said to the people who tried to play the lukewarm moderates in the church that he would spew them out of his mouth. There is no place for middle grounder's in heaven or on earth.

Your choice today is: Fight with those who have a Godly worldview or you can run with the Herd. Whatever you do you will make a choice as soon as you finish this article.


Friday, January 22, 2010

Running with the Herd Part III

Last time I discussed more about the Marxist, Progressives, Socialist, and Communist and why they must have evolution for a foundation to their invisible agenda. Again I point that they have a godless worldview and everyone must believe that we all comprise essentially the Human Herd. Christianity, the idea of being created in the image God, creationism, individual uniqueness, inalienable rights, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution are all in opposition to the Marxist, Progressives, Socialist, and Communist agenda.

In America marriage and what it means has never been questioned until recently. To those who have a godly worldview marriage is a union created by God and can be performed only with the blessings of God. To those with a Marxist, socialist and godless worldview marriage is a term that really has no meaning. Much like truth is relative, it is whatever you want it to be according to feeling and circumstances; marriage can be defined any way you want to define it.

Marriage is a church sacrament that goes back two thousand years and beyond. It is our vow to God that we will marry, love, honor and cherish one another until death do we part. One man and one woman coming together to create a spiritual and physical bond and from that bond comes procreation and the continuation of a civil society. Many of us have broken those vows of course, some more than once, but we still value the sanctity of marriage.

Governments have embraced the Christian wedding ceremony and in most cases legal requirements are placed upon those who are getting married. Legal documentation is necessary when it comes to property rights, inheritance, etc. Getting married in the United States from its inception is a combination of religious and governmental actions. Legally you can be married without a religious ceremony using just a civil ceremony. Even then the civil ceremony traditionally includes scriptures and vows to God so there wasn’t much difference between the two.

A civil union without the religious endorsement is simply a union of two people to share all things legally. The definition of marriage has never needed to be legally defined because the bible and several thousand years of tradition have made the meaning of marriage clear. The Church cannot bless a civil union between two people of the same gender and call it a marriage because the bible declares the act of sex between them as sinful, just as it could not bless a union in adultery or fornication. If two people want to have a civil union and not declare it a marriage is a different argument altogether.

The attempt to redefine marriage as anything else is plainly an attempt to destroy the influence of the church and Christianity. By forcing the government and the church to accept a different definition of marriage is really an act to marginalize the church and say it is no longer relevant in our society. The Marxist, Progressives, Socialist, and Communist’s push to show we are simply animals and members of the big herd needing a big government run by elites will be one step closer to fruition. By destroying marriage and declaring it to be a union of whatever they want is to prove that we are the herd and mating between individuals of the herd has no limits. It can now be a union of two or three or four of any gender. We can now call a pack of humans living together like a pack of dogs a marriage. The church no longer gets to decide. The Masters of the Herd have forced their decision upon us.

Many people want to be in the middle of all this current day political rhetoric, they want to avoid the fight  and call themselves independents, moderates, etc. but the reality is there is no middle ground. The great capitalist economic and constitutional system that created this great American nation is like a car engine, it runs very well but occasionally it needs a a tune up and an oil change. Progressive are like little gremlins throwing sand in the oil and sugar in the gas tank. They want to destroy the capitalist engine and replace it with a poorer quality socialist engine. A conservative is one who wants to keep the same engine for a long time. He tries to maintain it often so it will run as smooth as possible. A moderate or independent is one who occasionally checks the oil, never does a tune up and will only see a mechnic when a red light on the dashboard come on.  The moderate may really likes the capitalist system but sits on the fence. His fence sitting is enabling the gremlins to replace the engine sooner. By doing nothing he is adding to the destruction of our freedoms, our Constitution and our economy.

The Marxist, Progressives, Socialist, and Communists of the world need to eliminate people with a godly worldview. They cannot tolerate a world with religion and a religious viewpoint. They cannot function in a world of absolutes where there is a clear right or wrong. They cannot function in a world where people believe they are not just an evolved animal but special, created in the image of God. This is not just a battle of conservatives and liberals, republican and democrats. This is a battle for the heart of America and ultimately the whole world. American’s with their godly worldview, freedoms and capitalist economic system is a big hindrance to the Marxist, Progressives, Socialist, and Communist godless, humanist worldview and their great vision of a one world government ruling earth’s great human herd. Much of the world’s peoples have already fallen into this worldview. Many are leaning in that direction. The Marxist, Progressives, Socialist, and Communists are pushing as hard as they can to bring down America and join the great socialist movement as many Europeans have. There can be no middle ground. Like it was once said “if you are not for us then you are against us”. If you are not supporting the Godly worldview, freedom, liberty, unhindered markets, the Constitution and the freedom Amendments then you are unknowing or unwittingly supporting the destruction of America. You have a choice, support the traditional spiritual based America with all its freedoms or you can run with the Herd.


Running with the Herd part II

I started off yesterday discussing evolution and why the Marxist, Progressives, Socialists or Communists (MPSCs) or whatever you want to call them, must have it for a foundation to their invisible agenda. As I said they have a godless worldview and everyone must believe that we all evolved along the human tree and now comprise essentially the human herd. Evolution supports the idea that they, the elite ones, are more advanced than others and therefore they should rule over the rest of us. I called this agenda invisible because so many people buy into this idea and want the same outcome but there is no actual conspiracy. It is when a person has a godless worldview he seems to come to the same conclusions, especially after he hears some of the teachings of Marx.

There are a number of groups working together to bring about Socialist, Marxist change. They all have different methods: using politics, environmental issues, continual lawsuits, education and many more. They are numerous. They are very busy and they are succeeding.

Evolution has been a key to many rulers or would be rulers to support their agenda and the genocide that came with it. In the 20th century nearly 100 million people have died as a result of murder, extermination, torture, starvation and extreme punishment based on a Marxist like ideology combined with a evolution foundation. Hitler saw his race as a supreme Aryan nation and motivated the German people to attempt to conquer the world because he believed they evolved as a pure race better than all others. The threat of Nazism still exist today. Mao killed about 30 million. Stalin killed millions. After the Vietnam war millions died at the hands of communist. The desires of godless rulers always results in many deaths.

Marxist, Progressives, Socialists and Communists see religious people as less evolved, weaker members of the human herd and therefore have no need for them. This takes us to the next issue, morality. Morality only comes from godly people who have values, morals and standards given to them by God. Morality is impressed upon their conscience by God and gives them knowledge of right and wrong. If you see a godless or atheist person promoting morality and values then he got them somewhere from a god believing or Christian person.

Morality did not come from evolution. If you evolved there is no reason to believe in a right or wrong. The guy with the biggest stick gets to decide what is right and what is wrong. The ruling class, the elites, Masters of the Herd chooses what is good or bad in their opinion and they can change it at any time. As Saul Alinsky said “the end justifies the means”. Believing that statement then there is no moral limit on what the Marxist, Progressives, Socialists or Communists will do. They can lie, steal, and break laws or whatever they deem necessary to get their agenda in place. Where Christians and freedom loving people try to abide by the rules of law the Marxist, Progressive, Socialists or Communist see that as an advantage to limit your abilities and extend theirs. They will impose laws on others but will exempt themselves (does that sound much like our current government?).

To a Marxist, Progressive, Socialist or Communist who believes in evolution there is no basis for truth, all is relative. There is no basis for morality if there is no absolute truth. It is bad if you kill my brother but it is okay if I kill yours. If I take something from someone that is good for me. If he steals from me that is bad. The only morality they have has been imposed on them by moral people. If they eliminate the moral people then they are free of the constraints of morality.

Christians and the freedom loving people of the United States have abided by the laws and tried to do things the nice way. We tolerated evolution into our schools and now it is the only “science” (so called) allowed in the schools. We’ve allowed courts to make decisions contrary to the founder’s intentions of the Constitution. We’ve allowed the media to push the limits on TV, newspapers, movies, music, radio and theater. We’ve allowed the MPSC to define our culture, write our textbooks and train our children.

Finally we’ve allowed them to monopolize our government. I don’t believe everyone in government has bought into the MPSC herd mentality. Because the MPSC has used nice sounding emotional causes and ear tickling sound bites, many have bought into actions that have eroded the foundation of our country. Many have bought into the idea that big government is the thing to do not realizing it plays right into the MPSC's hands. With so many people supporting the big government actions the progressives in the United States have come to believe that everyone wants a socialist system. People bought into Obama’s hope and change program thinking they were getting a change to a better functioning open government operating within the Constitution. They did not realize that Obama’s statement “fundamentally change America” meant to destroy the Constitution and bring about a new kind of government, a socialistic kind of government.

It is time to quit allowing anything that is destructive to our American way, life and economy. So where is the reset button? How do we undo all the damage that the Marxist, Progressive, Socialist or Communist has done over the last 70+ years. Can we undo all the damage? I believe we can. Below are some steps we can take:

• Revert to the original method of choosing Senators. Each state legislature was responsible for selecting senators and was answerable to that state’s body. This would eliminate the need to use taxpayer’s money (earmarks) to buy votes to remain in office. They would remain in office only if their state government were satisfied with them.

• Eliminate the current tax code. Go back to a sales or excise tax system used before the turn of the 20th century. Install the FairTax. Get the government out of our personal lives. Get rid of the IRS. We could rehire them to work in migration, border patrol or finding terrorist. They are so good at doing paper work, going after people and interrogations.

• Eliminate the corporate income tax. This opens up all kinds of investment opportunities from people all over the world. Trillions of dollars would flow into American if we made major cuts in the corporate income tax. The economic explosion would help to pay off the debt in short order.

• Enforce the Constitution. Article 8 originally limited government to spend money for the good of the whole country, not individual states, individual projects or people except in the event of a disaster or emergency. This eliminates pork spending and senators buying (bribing) votes to get their pet project through congress.

• Define and clarify the commerce clause. The original intent was to regulate commerce to prevent one state from passing laws that gave its businesses an advantage over other states. It was to promote free trade, not stifle it. Currently the books are filled with regulations that are created out of crony capitalism. They promote one business over another, prevent competition and put undue burdens on small businesses to favor businesses that support senators and congressmen’s election funds. We need to eliminate cronyism and nepotism. Many of the current laws are written to create a dependence on government. Businesses and individuals have to keep coming back to congress and agencies, bow at the feet of government and congress so they might receive graces to continue to operate their business or receive subsidies to maintain their lifestyle.

• Education. So much influence of socialism and Marxism is ingrained in the foundation of our schools and colleges. To correct this we need to make sure all of our textbooks, especially history and government, contain accurate and thorough information. Purge all anti-American inferences that do not reflect the true nature of America and its people. Evolution and creationism should be taught side by side. One says we are just animals, the other says we valuable, created in the image of God. Children should be able to see the meaning between the two.

• Remove all limitations put on religion. "Separation of church and state" is not in the Constitution. It was a Supreme Court statement to define activist judges viewpoint. All the politically correct dogma that has smothered religion and promoted “freedom from religion” should be corrected.

• Amend the fourteenth amendment that was a bounce back to place the same limits on states that were intended only for the federal government. The twisting and abuse of this amendment permitted the federal government to have seemingly unlimited power over the states. That was not the intention. After the civil war congress wanted to put controls on the southern states, the rebellious children to the northern states. Thus the fourteenth amendment was placed there for specific problems with confederate states. It is now used against all fifty states in ways no one ever thought of.

• We need to educate our children to understand economics, capitalism, Marxism, socialism and the real application of those systems, not polished or whitewashed versions. No great country has been created through the use of Marxism or socialism. Every country currently under socialism is predominately poor and getting poorer everyday.

• Christians need to do a better job of promoting morality, principles and standards so people will want those imposed upon themselves locally but not through government.

If you want to run with the Herd then all you have to do is nothing. Soon you will be one of the pack. Your only worry will be to do what your master tells you to do.

If you don't believe you are an animal but a freedom loving creation of God then you need to get off your duff and start doing something. Read part I for things you can do.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Running with the Herd Part I

Do you wonder why progressives are so adamant about teaching evolution and only evolution in our schools? The answer is pretty simple. Progressives, socialist, Marxist, communist or whatever you want to call them, have a godless worldview. In their mind we are all animals evolved from a slime pit millions of years ago. In their mind we are the herd and they, the elite, are the Masters of the herd. That is why they believe in equal outcomes for everybody, wealth distribution, etc., because everyone in the herd is the same. The doctor, the plumber and the street sweeper are all the same. This equality is required to keep the herd in line. Everyone must contribute to well being of the herd. If not you are no longer necessary just like any other pack of animals, the old and feeble must die or be eliminated for the betterment of all. Of course the Master of the herd deserve a little more than ordinary members of the herd. They are the exception to the rule.

As Marx teaches, the herd as a whole is more important than the individuals that make up the herd. To be a member of the herd you must be willing to give up your rights to individualism. You must be willing to sacrifice for the greater good of the herd.

The foundation of the teaching, that everyone is a herd member, is evolution. If you question evolution you destroy the foundation on which their socialistic utopia is built. Any doubt cast upon their ideas is immoral. You must believe in their ideas. You must buy into the program.

Contrast this with the Christian belief that everyone is created by God and in the image of God. You have been created special. The Christian believes that everyone is unique and can have a personal relationship with God. If you believe you are created by God you will not buy into the idea that you are just an animal and a member of the herd. Christians do not have to force you to believe what they believe. They think that a person confronted with the glory of creation and that every really man needs and wants God that most people will come around to accepted God and His teachings.

Our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence declares us all to be unique individuals, all different but equal, each having equal rights to be what God calls us to be, equal opportunity and freedoms. I can be what I want to be, make what I want to make, own what I want to own. I can do anything I am willing to work for and can fail just as easily as I can succeed.

To a Marxist godly teaching of any kind is treason. To even allow evolution and creationism being taught side by side destroys their purpose. They want to build the herd and to do that there can be no questioning the herd concept, no individualism, and no uniqueness can be allowed. They must leave no room for doubt. A Christian must be silenced, ridiculed and eliminated if necessary.

The present day attack on our first amendment rights, property rights, personal freedoms and more is not just about someone who doesn’t believe in God and is offended. It is motivated by the deep belief of many people that the world can have a godless utopia if only they can get rid of the Christians and other religious people.

The current battle is on like no other time in modern history. The United States is the world’s last stronghold of freedom and independence. There is no other place to fall back to. People who are persecuted all around the world look to come to America to be free. If we fail to be that beacon on the hill, the country of refuge and freedom then we allow the end of the world as we once knew it. Christians and other freedom loving people must gather together and fight this attack on all fronts, first spiritually, then politically and socially.

Spiritually we must first pray and seek God, asking for forgiveness, deliverance and guidance. Christians must aggressively do what God has called them to do, make disciples, win people to Christ and teach them all about Him and His word. We must quit relying on others, pastor, preachers and priest, to do our job. When people are converted from a godless world view to a Christ filled Godly world view then our United States and the world can be revived. It is never too late to start doing what God called us to do.

Politically we must become involved in the selection process prior to elections. The United States was created for a Godly people. Our constitution only works for a godly nation. Therefore we must start selecting godly men and women to be our leaders. We want honest, principled godly leaders with godly convictions and we need to look at the true character of every person seeking an office. From neighborhood associations to the President of the United States we must not be swayed by sound bites, campaign slogans and basically propaganda ads. We must really know the people we elect, who they are and where they are coming from spiritually.

The primary leaders of our government all profess to be Christians but their fruit does not prove them out. They hold to a Marxist worldview and our Christianity does not mix with their Marxism. We have the proverbial wolves in sheep clothing. We cannot take their word and accept them at face value. We must look beyond the façade and see the true person beneath.

Socially we must be willing to tell the truth to whoever will listen, truth about God, Jesus, our leaders and politics. We can not choose to be ignorant any longer. When a Marxist like enemy is out to completely destroy our government, our freedom to speak, the ability to protect ourselves and be individuals, we must become louder than we have ever been before in our country’s history.

Pray - Do - Speak
