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Monday, December 28, 2009

Religious Right, Moral Majority, GOP and Liberals

One link the GOP still has is the basic dependence on the Religious Right or formally the Moral Majority. The Moral Majority moniker was use to describe what was in the late eighties and early nineties the large majority of people in the United States who basically were hard working, responsible, Christian people who didn’t spend a lot of time cheering political causes until the attempted overtaking of our country by a liberal minority to the detriment of everything this country was created for.

The same problem still exists. In public the culture battle is being lost and a liberal press is continuing to try to marginalize what was a moral majority to a fringe group status, calling them the Religious Right and associating them to be an outside radical takeover of the GOP. The problem is we are the same people we always were, the heart and soul of core America. We haven’t changed in 250 years. We believe in the sanctity of life, the union of marriage between a man and a woman, and moral values based on biblical standards. Between the Bible, the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution we had a sure foundation for the greatest country and greatest government in the world.

Now the liberal minority is in charge and is basically ignoring those three documents trying to create a form of enslavement to the government. One thing stands out to me as I have watched the debates and political battles wear on. Even though the GOP is not perfect it is still conservative at its core and yes the Religious Right does have an influence on it. We still want truth and honesty, biblical moral values in life, marriage and other relationships. We want lower taxing because taking other peoples money just because you can is wrong. In order to have the freedom to succeed there must be the freedom to fail. It is expected for the stronger to help the weak and downtrodden. In order to be free you must be willing to be responsible to use that freedom wisely.

In comparison the liberal left now running the country have no godly, biblical foundation and therefore no morality of their own to speak of. They have relative morality which means nothing. The president was elected with the use of big words and phrases that were tested to get the proper response. In essence, He lied. Over and over he lied. He said things to get elected. He parsed words so people didn’t hear what he was really saying but what they only wanted to hear.

He used the word “change” but what he really meant was “destroy”. When he said he wanted fundamentally “change” the way we govern, everyone thought he meant to take what we have and make it better. He really meant to fundamentally change the government from a free republic to a socialist form of government. He subtly inferred that capitalism was the source of our problems but many who voted for him did not realize he wanted to destroy capitalism. When government runs a business that is privately owned that is fascism not capitalism. That is not freedom it is government destroying the freedoms of Americans to make decisions in their best interest and the best interest of all Americans.

The people running congress just make up things to say expecting the people to be too stupid to know the difference all the while they are undercutting our government’s foundation. To summarize these people, whether they are democrats, liberals, socialist or Marxist, display one thing consistently, they lie. A people without God have no reason not to lie or deceive or to do anything else in order to gain power and be in control. As Obama has proven though, once in power they really don’t know what to do. With no other foundation than the repeatedly failed Marxist theories they continue to make one bad decision after another and then use more lies to cover it up, deceive or blame someone else for what they are doing.

Obama has no more experience running a business other than someone flipping burger in a fast food restaurant, but he thinks he is capable of dictating decisions to several of the country’s biggest industries, automotive, banking and insurance. His knowledge extends to what he read in a book somewhere written by a Marxist professor who never worked in the real world either.

His international policy is based on a fantasy Marxist belief in a one world government with its core philosophy of ‘why can’t we just all get along’. The ‘I’ll be nice so why don’t you be nice too?’ negotiating tactic is not based in any kind of real world experience. If the be nice theory worked then why not tell the police in Detroit, New York and Philadelphia to just leave their guns at home and try talking nice to the criminals so they’ll stop doing all those bad things.

The current leader of the free world is walking around with his head in the clouds pretending he knows what he is doing. You would think they are all a bunch of pothead hippies from the sixties running things. Well I think some of them are. Back then they wanted to overthrow the government and have anarchy or socialism. Now they are in charge it looks like we will get both anarchy and socialism unless we, the conservative, Religious Right, God fearing and Constitution loving people up stand and fight. The health care bill, cap and trade, EPA rulings are all intended to destroy our government. We need to treat the liberals, congress, the leftist press and Obama as any other enemy of the true America who would destroy us either from the outside our borders or inside.

As the leader of our country he has not represented the people of the US. He has demeaned different groups, industries, our heritage, our history and apologized for crimes only invented in the minds of a people that hate America. This is not an American president. The people in Congress are not America’s representatives. They represent usurpers, over throwers, destroyers and enemies of all that is good and right with America.

If real American’s get control again then we need to draw a line in the sand. We are believers of free speech but socialism, communism, Marxism or any other ’ism’ should not have a voice at the table of our government. No one with these ideas should have the ability to gain control of any or all of the three branches of our government. None of these liberals should have the ability or power to do what these people have done in the last 50 years in the USA. Like sleeper cell of socialism they have eaten away at our foundation like termites and now we need to exterminate them and put up a barrier to keep them out.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Unintended Consequences

The unintended consequences of this healthcare bill have not been mentioned yet but I can think of several. If you have ever dealt with different agencies trying to get something done you will have a feel for what is going to take place.

One consequence: the new bill creates about 100 new boards, agencies, panels and whatever they could think of, all of this to make our healthcare “better”. With all these new ‘whatever they could think of panels', agencies, etc., the initial scenario will be: because of your age a particular new panel rules against you for some procedure you think you need so you appeal. The appeal takes time and brings into conflict several other panels who think they have jurisdiction over your decision. After time they all finally decide to bump it up to a higher panel who is overwhelmed with bumped up decisions because no one anticipated this many bump ups while the senator were bumping in the wee night hours at congress.

After a long period of time they decide that they cannot decide so they bump it up to the governing HHS department who puts it in the queue for decision making and when it is your turn they decide. At which time they mail the decision to your new address. Plot 2, Lot 5, Westland Cemetery, Yourtown, USA. Turns out you really did need that procedure.

We see similar improvements in government healthcare in the UK. There is a ten month waiting list for use of the delivery room (no lie). There is no rationing in our bill, just waiting.

I can’t wait for this bill to get started and all those people who wanted more government finally get it. I think some of the socialist leaning folks will actually get it now because for years they just haven’t got it. Common sense is sometimes hard to grasp for some people. Unintended consequences show that elections have consequences and provide some people with common sense.


Things to think about:

Things to think about:

The healthcare bill can be realistically be called the ‘Bribery and Extortion Bill of 2009’. Multiple senators have been bought off with billions of dollars of our money adding even more to a bill that will cost 2.5 trillion dollars. “If the healthcare legislation is really so important and if it will truly benefit Americans, then why is it necessary to bribe the people’s representatives? The just and honorable vote never requires a pay-off, at least, not for a legislator who truly represents the best interests of his or her constituents.” (Meredith Turney,

If the healthcare bill passes in the house and committee then the government will be in control of 70% of the economy. Since Obama took over GM, controls Chrysler, banks and AIG with other insurance companies, with new banking regulations and the EPA (unconstitutionally) declaring carbon dixoide, the air we all exhale, a pollutent and thus now regulate the power companies and industries that burn fuel. The healthcare industry will be the last 17% segment of the economy added to the list.

That is not a free socicety. That is not a free people or a free capitalist system for which our constitution was created. That is why the founders came to America, to get away from such tyranny and bondage. The lazy don’t want to be free, the young don’t fully understand the freedom that is lost and the irrational and godless think more government control is the answer. Freedom is being lost and the majority don’t seem to care. It is not just a little freedom we are losing, it is most of it.

Freedom does not come from government. Rights do not come from government. Government can only protect the rights and freedom God has given us. Anything else is bondage to a group of men who think they are more important than God. When men are in charge of freedoms they can decide what freedoms are allowed and who gets them.

If the government can force you to buy health insurance or else go to jail, they can force you to do anything. If you have a choice of anything it will be because government has given you permission to do so.

Forcing an American to buy health insurance is unconstitutional but if this congress get aways with this then the constitution will no longer have meaning. There will be no foundation for our governement.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What Happened to the Jobs?

Are you out of work? No health insurance? Maybe even no place to live? Where are the jobs? What happened to the stimulus money? Well the stimulus was a bust from the git go. It was a payoff to liberal friends of the democrats and a wish list of liberal things to do.

When will employers start hiring again? They say jobs are the last things to improve coming out of a recession. Why, because employers, companies and industries think long term. They plan with five year goals and then develop shorter term goals. When the markets are too uncertain to develop a plan then they wait. They keep their belt tighten until the future looks better. Businesses need a stable economy and a stable system to plan for the future.

Right now the government is pondering many changes that drastically affect how our economy will work in the near future. Health care, cap and tax (trade), a war tax, increasing taxes by allowing tax cuts to expire, allowing the death tax exemption to expire. So many things that will affect the profits of a business, especially small businesses, so they cannot forecast how much they will have to spend on capital improvement, growth and most importantly, jobs. As long as your government keeps playing with major (anti-capitalist) changes you are not going to get a job. If you have a part time job you may have it for a lot longer than you expected. For you things are not going to get better.

Government cannot create jobs. Realistically government does not produce or create a single thing, not a product to sell or a service to add to the value of anything. Government can only increase cost. A government job can only be created by taking money away from you, me and businesses which leaves us all with less to spend on the things we need. The best thing government can do is to minimize regulations, lower taxes and get out of the way.

If you want a job tell your government to settle down and quit trying to change things. Jobs are the most important thing needed in America right now, all the other stuff can wait.